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Medicines or Diet? How does one address type 2 diabetes? This is the dilemma one faces when confronted by diabetes. A majority of people opt for medicines, perhaps out of fear, despite the associated lifelong costs and side effects; remember, no doctor can give you an end date for the medication. Dieting one's way out is another option and it WORKS! Many doctors and dietitians have written about it. This book is for all vegetarians, specially South Indian Brahmins, for whom rice is the staple diet which is carb dense. Lentils and pulses which are used as accompaniments are equally dense in carbs. While abstaining from carb rich foods, rest assured there is still plenty left to eat to your heart's content. Trust me, it is easier DONE than SAID!
This is not a lifelong, unending plan unlike medication that has no end date. Once blood glucose is brought down to the safe level, one can digress from the rigid diet occasionally to savour favourites. You can set aside a couple of days in the month for the purpose. You can have your cake and eat it too! Go ahead and start transforming yourself.
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