How to Make Money Writing Fanfiction

The first thing you should know is that you can not sell fanfiction or actually publish it as a book. The characters belong to the original author and to do that would be stealing. There is still a way however that you can still make a profit from this.

Open an account for the following addresses and this is where is gets really simple.


  • (Sign up for an Associate's account.)


First create a blog for your fictions on blogger. Give it a name that you believe that people will remember. For your first post you need to write a disclaimer that all the characters of the story do not belong to you. Do only one fanfiction at a time or add a page that organizes all the stories.

Depending on the fanfiction you can use amazon to add products related to your fanfiction. You can add an advertisement for the movie to the book your writing a fanfiction for. This way everyone wins because your exposing the creator's product in a creative way.

Using AdSense will also make sense because you will most likely get that person's products again advertised on your site. It's easy to say that the better your fiction is, the more traffic you'll see and the more traffic you have with AdSense the more money you'll be making.

The three websites I've shown you don't even have to be about fanfiction. You can use them for anything your really interested in and love to spend your time on. Just remember to have fun with it and good luck to you.

Source by Crystal A Jackson
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