Throughout the years I've picked up many modeling tips, from other models that work. All of these methods have been personally tried and you'll be amazed at the results.
Let's face it being a model can be stressful which can wreck havoc on your face. Models have to be ready to go at any given moment.
Here's a typical modeling scenario:
Let's say you stayed out late partying and you find out at 9:00am the next morning that there is a casting call for a commercial at 11:30am. You have bags under your eyes because you had a really nice time the prior evening.
What do you do?
1) Tell your agent you can't make it. (They may not call you for awhile.)
2) Just go and pray they don't see your bags.
3) Try and get a later time.
4) Desitin Diaper Rash Ointment
5) Preparation H Ointment
Believe it or not choices 4 and 5 are the correct answers. As crazy as it sounds both of these items work miracles on your face. They both tighten your skin and your bags disappear like magic. Most professional models, carry these items with them at all times in their model bags,.
If you want to make your eyes stand out at your next,casting call, photo shoot, or for whatever occasion grab some white eyeliner and line the entire inside lower part of your eye from right to left or left to right depending on you. This simple thing instantly makes your sleepy eyes come to life and it gives you a fresh look.
How do you make cold sores go away?
This sounds gross but it too works. Take some of your ear wax and place it directly on the sore. Your cold sore will disappear right before your eyes quicker than Abreva. (At least it is your ear wax and it is cheaper than buying over-the-counter products).
Do you want whiter teeth?
Rub your teeth with strawberries and they'll get whiter. This is something that I actually picked up from Tyra Banks. She swears by it. It has something to do with the seeds in the strawberries.
Can't stop biting your nails?
Put vanilla extract on them. It tastes horrible but it smells good. I guarantee you will break the habit quickly. This too will save you money instead of buying the expensive polishes.
Vaseline Tricks?
Rub some on your feet after a warm bath and put on some white socks. Wake up the next morning and remove the socks and your feet will feel soft like a babies bottom.
When I was in a beauty pageant, and I needed that permanent Kool-Aid smile I was told to put Vaseline on my teeth. This too works.
On your mark, get set, go! Which of these money saving beauty tips will you try out today? Remember they are all tried and true methods. Good Luck.
Source by Tracy Hogan
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