10 Ways to Make Money form Sugar Daddy Dating Sites

We know it sounds cruel, but these adult singles want to buy sugar babies a lot of gifts, we just have the right ways you should ask for them. These Sugar Daddy singles don't mind spending money, actuallly it's a nice way of making guys feel like a Super Cool Sugar Daddy. We all want to help others and like to treat our sugar babies nicely, the problem is when sugar babies do not appreciate it. So I found a great guide for Sugar Babies from Adult Singles Dating that talks about Free Dating Sites and how Sugar Babies can get everything they want by asking properly.

Ask about interest on your Credit Cards

Men love to Teach and Instruct a Woman

By asking a sugar daddy about interest on a credit card and what is the best way to handle your credit cards. Your Sugar Daddy will begin to explain that monthly interest can be expensive and will begin to want to help you in getting that cleaned up. By wanting him to teach you about managing your money because he is so good at it, you then can ask to start from a clean slate by him offering to help pay for the amount due the next month. After paying the credit card he can help you budget your money and will offer some additional cash to get you started.

Date a Sugar Daddy that has just been divorced

Most men want to make their ex jealous. All you will need to do is act pretty and go to the same shopping centers, restaurants and other areas where his friends will be. He will spoil you tremendously because he knows his ex wife will find out.

Cook a Dinner and run out of Milk

Cook a delicious meal for him, and wear just about the sexiest thing you can. Ohh, tell him you need to buy some food from the store and can you borrow some money. You Sugar Daddy will be mezmorized by your cute outfit and give you the black america express. Have Fun!!!

Wear a skirt cross your legs and ask politely

Always show a little leg and cross them so you look elegant. It is much easier to give money to a sugar baby that is elegant than sloppy.

Workout together and be amazed at what he can do

When working out together be his personal spotter of course be sure to wear some tight pants and proper athletic attire. Be mesmorized at how athletic he is and continuously grab his arms. Sugar Daddies love that and it will make them feel like a Super hero. By the end of the night a expensive dinner and entertainment will be yours for the taking.

Never Pick up your Cell or Home Phone and tell him your cell phone sucks

This is a great way to receive a new cell phone from a Sugar Daddy, just tell him you have been meaning to get a cell phone or a new one, but just haven't got around to doing it. You will have a nice pretty cell phone in no time. But Becareful you better be a loyal sugar baby and not be using the phone for any discreet dating.

Tell him you want to dress sexy FOR HIM for a Night in the Town!!!

This is a great way for a sugar baby to get a new dress. Make sure to say it is for him and that you want to get something he will really enjoy tonight. This one is a 2 in one package, you will receive a trip to the mall and a great exciting dinner and dancing. Nothing makes a sugar daddy happier than a hot date which he can show off!!

Talk about your Sugar Daddies Car

When in the car with you sugar daddy talk about how you love the car he drives. Nothing makes a Sugar Daddy happier than to have someone talk about his vehicle. The more you talk about the car the more you can drop the seed that you would like a matching one just like his. In about a month or two you will have a brand new sugar baby car that matches his.

Talk about how you miss your Family that is out of town

A Sugar Daddy is not going to want to travel to see a family across the state, but he will most likely give you a free plane ticket. Just keep talking about how you miss your family and how it gets lonely by yourself when he is working. Ta-Da!!! One first class ticket to your parents house.

Ask how he manages his money so well and how became so successful

This is probably the best strategy to get you own bank account which is the mother of all gifts from a Sugar Daddy. Ask about how he manages his money and how he became so successful. Also, tell him how you are scared that he might leave you. By having your own bank account that he fills up you will learn how to manage more money and will have weekly deposits for your spending. Tell him you heard something about it being a tax write off so you can help his business expense. Your sugar daddy will think it is so cute that you are trying to learn about his business and will sign the checks to you immediately so you can deposit them to your bank account.

Remember most Sugar Daddies want to spend money on Sugar Babies by using these 10 rules you will be a model of the Sugar Baby Dating Scene. These 10 rules are a great way for Sugar Babies to go out on the interent and find the right Free Adult Dating Site

Source by Markus Skupeika
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